Monday, June 30, 2008

how to manifest your dreams

Automatic Wealth III: The Attractor Factor - Including: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, How to Attract Money, the Law of Attraction in the Thought World and Feeling Is the Secret (Paperback)

Automatic Wealth III: The Attractor Factor - Including: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, How to Attract Money, the Law of Attraction in the Thought World and Feeling Is the Secret (Paperback)
Automatic Wealth III: The Attractor Factor - Including:The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, How to Attract Money by Joseph Murphy,The Law of Attraction AND Feeling Is The Secret The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy I have seen miracles happen to men and women in all walks of life all over the world. Miracles will happen to you, too-when you begin using the magic power of your subconscious mind. This book is designed to teach you that your habitual thinking and imagery mold, fashion, and create your destiny; for as a man thinketh in his subconscious mind, so is he. Why is one man sad and another man happy? Why is one man joyous and prosperous and another man poor and miserable? Why is one man fearful and anxious and another full of faith and confidence? Why does one man have a beautiful, luxurious home while another man lives out a meager existence in a slum? Why is one man a great success and another an abject failure? Why is one speaker outstanding and immensely popular and another mediocre and unpopular? Why is one man a genius in his work or profession while the other man toils and moils all his life without doing or accomplishing anything worthwhile? Why is one man healed of a so-called incurable disease and another isn't? Why is it so many good, kind religious people suffer the tortures of the damned in their mind and body? Why is it many immoral and irreligious people succeed and prosper and enjoy radiant health? Why is one woman happily married and her sister very unhappy and frustrated? Is there an answer to these questions in the workings of your conscious and subconscious minds? There most certainly is. It is for the express purpose of answering and clarifying the above questions and many others of a similar nature that motivated me to write this book. How to Attract Money by Dr. Joseph Murphy It is your right to be rich. You are here to lead the abundant life, and to be happy, radiant, and free. You should, therefore, have all the money you need to lead a full, happy, prosperous life. There is no virtue in poverty; the latter is a mental disease, and it should be abolished from the face of the earth. You are here to grow, expand, and unfold - spiritually, mentally, and materially. You have the inalienable right to fully develop and express yourself along all lines. You should surround yourself with beauty and luxury. Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World by William Walker Atkinson In this New Thought classic, Atkinson looks at the law of attraction in the thought world. He points out the similarities between the law of gravitation and the mental law of attraction. He explains that thought vibrations are as real as those manifesting as light, heat, magnetism and electricity. The difference is in the vibratory rate which also explains the fact that thought vibrations cannot usually be perceived by our 5 senses. Feeling Is The Secret by Neville THIS book is concerned with the art of realizing your desire. It gives you an account of the mechanism used in the production of the visible world. It is a small book but not slight.There is a treasure in it, a clearly defined road to the realization of your dreams.

Customer Review: Enlightening

I always believed that mind can achieve great things. But, before I read these 4 books, I did not understand why. Thanks to Amazan this knowledge is now common knowledge. Congratulation. Dr Jusuf Hariman (real name)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

create your life

Law of Attraction Directly from Source: Leading Edge Thought, Leading Edge Music

Law of Attraction Directly from Source: Leading Edge Thought, Leading Edge Music

Music CD with insert, which will have all the song lyrics

create your life

Saturday, June 28, 2008

attraction accelerator

The Science of Getting Rich Revisited: A Guide to The Secret Law of Attraction For the Sceptic and Believer Alike

The Science of Getting Rich Revisited: A Guide to The Secret Law of Attraction For the Sceptic and Believer Alike

With the release of the book and movie, The Secret, Rhonda Byrne created a resurgence of interest in the Law of Attraction. The book that is best known for first publicizing the Law of Attraction in America is The Science of Getting Rich written back in 1910 by Wallace D. Wattles. While there has been considerable excitement about this topic in the last couple of years, there has also been a great deal of scepticism and outright criticism of not only the Secret, but also the Science of Getting Rich, and the Law of Attraction in general. One of the strongest criticisms is that the Secret is steeped in pseudoscience; that the Law of Attraction is not anything close to a scientific law and that the references to quantum physics and thought frequencies are at best conjecture and at worst simply wrong. Others claim that the Law of Attraction is even dangerous because encourages people to rely on magic to heal their woes. On the other hand, the Law of Attraction also has a large number of avid followers who credit it with changing their lives for the better and who are certain that the positive changes they have experienced are due to something more than just positive thinking. So who is right? Could they both be right?

As the title implies, The Science of Getting Rich Revisited, A Guide to The Secret Law of Attraction For the Sceptic and Believer Alike, was written to analyze and address this apparent paradox. The book is actually two books in one. It starts by using Wallace D. Wattles original text and is supplemented with over 140 pages of new material that addresses the concerns of the sceptics, provides real scientific studies that shines new light on why the law of Attraction may bestow tangible benefits on those that practice it, and supplies practical guidance on how to use the Law of Attraction to provide real world results. The author of the new material, Adam O. Kirwan, J.D., LL.M., is an asset protection and estate planning attorney who routinely deals with multimillionaires and who has first hand knowledge of the practices of successful people. He is a realist, a pragmatist, and a practitioner of the Law of Attraction. He recognized that notwithstanding the fact that The Science of Getting Rich is almost 100 years old, it is filled with sage advice that is at least as relevant today as it was when Wallace D. Wattles first wrote it almost a century ago. Backed by new findings in the fields of psychology and neuroscience, and Mr. Kirwan s experience with successful individuals, Wattles original teachings take on a new and richer meaning.

Whether you are a scientific materialist, a sceptic, a true believer, or someone seeking to better understand the Law of Attraction, The Science of Getting Rich Revisited is guaranteed to make you see the Law of Attraction in a brand new light. As philosopher and scientist, Alfred Korzybski once said There are two ways to slide easily through life: to believe everything or to doubt everything. Both ways save us from thinking. The Science of Getting Rich Revisited will serve as your personal guide to help you better your life, attain your goals, make you a happier person, and finally, make you think.

Loa the secret

Friday, June 27, 2008

law of attraction tips

Crossing an Unseen Bridge: The Law of Attraction Secrets No One Wants to Talk About

Crossing an Unseen Bridge: The Law of Attraction Secrets No One Wants to Talk About
Crossing an Unseen Bridge breaks the silence surrounding what the Law of Attraction really is and what it really does. Author and journalist Patricia Arnold fills in the blanks in current turn-key solutions so that millions have tried and failed to leverage the Law of Attraction can begin to see positive results. This is a much-needed prequel that can make an immediate difference.

how to manifest wealth

Thursday, June 26, 2008

law of attraction weight loss

The Law Of Attraction

The Law Of Attraction
THIS 28 PAGE ARTICLE WAS EXTRACTED FROM THE BOOK: Secret of the Ages, by Robert Collier. To purchase the entire book, please order ISBN 0766137589.


This is only one chapter photocopied out of another book. Buy the original. Don't waste your money on this. Amazon shouldn't even sell it.

Customer Review: Law of Atraction

This is a good book however it is excerpted from Secret Of The Ages, with that said that is what makes this a good book. But I recommend Secret Of The Ages more, with that you get the full book.

how to manifest wealth

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

what is the law of attraction

The Law of Attraction In Action-How To Magnetize Your Heart's Desire

The Law of Attraction In Action-How To Magnetize Your Heart's Desire
In this 60 minute live interview, you'll discover fun tools to use for The Law of Attraction In Action� to magnetize your heart s desires: * What vibrating on purpose means * The four steps of Deliberate Creation * How to use contrast (challenges) for your highest outcomes *What magic and miracles really are *Simple tools to attract your heart s desires with personal life examples. Heather also unwraps asks questions where Sharon reveals: * How your consciousness is like electricity * How you often step on your own hose in your daily life * Tools to consistently stay connected to your Stream of Well Being * Turning impossible into I'm possible strategies

Customer Review: one of the best CDs on manifesting

I read Sharon Warren's book and really enjoyed it. The CD is a 'how-to' on manifesting, a topic that so many other new-age authors talk about and write about but never get to the essence of, always leaving the listener in limbo, wondering why they are not able to manifest their goals. This CD explains the concept behind the principle of manifesting then goes on to give tools that are easy to understand and easy to use. I have enough books, CDs, and DVDs, on this topic to open my own store, most of which have not been very helpful to me, but this is one that actually delivers to you, the reader, in down to earth, easy to understand language, some practical help that is easy to apply. I highly recommend this CD to anyone who has ever wondered why THEY are not manifesting their desires.

Customer Review: so simple and a joy to listen to

I have enjoyed this cd as it is easy to listen to and I have picked up on several things I had forgotten it is straight talking.I know I will listen to it lots if times in the future. Great tool to help you keep focused

how to manifest your dreams

Monday, June 16, 2008

Saturday, June 14, 2008

what the bleep do we know

The Art of True Healing: a Treatise on the Mechanism of Prayer, and the Operation of the Law of Attraction in Nature

The Art of True Healing: a Treatise on the Mechanism of Prayer, and the Operation of the Law of Attraction in Nature

Secret of the law

Friday, June 13, 2008

how to manifest what you want

The Secret Behind The Secret Law of Attraction

The Secret Behind The Secret Law of Attraction
Its followers believe it is the secret formula, known through the ages by various philosophers and mystics and scientists, that guarantees easy access to the success we ve always dreamed of. And so they say, enough is enough to the ignorant, blind, obstacle-ridden, hard life that millions of people are living. Live The Secret and you will bypass the unnecessary frustrations, long learning curves, and tortuous detours that seem to have humanity by the throat.

To them, The Secret is THE way. To them, it's a scientifically proven universal law that always works in every situation, every time.

Most men lead lives of quiet desperation, said Thoreau, and THE SECRET shouts passionately that this does not have to be. There is true magic afoot, there are lanterns to be lit, passions to be embraced, secret thoughts to be learned and we can discover a whole new way of living that is, simply, there for the taking!

And now there are those who see real and grave danger in this virus that is spreading through the English-speaking world...and they say, enough is enough.

The leaders of The Secret crossed the line of humanity and compassion when they began to state that people bring on their own illnesses, cause their own genocide, rape and murder.

And what about the authors of this book? Are we saying, enough is enough? Well, you will have to obtain the real secret within...we did a little bit of digging and have found out the real truth about The Secret. We ve found that all that glitters is not gold. You ll have to make your own decision.

What we can promise is that we will do our best to be fair, open-minded, kind, truthful and honest.

Our purpose is to accurately represent The Secret and then show how and why we are concerned for the poor and defenseless.

And whether you agree with us or not, you will find out some things that really do matter about the human mind and heart. And we're going to show you how the people who supposedly had The Secret through the ages, really felt about philosophies like The Secret. The geniuses that the movie and books claim had the Secret were indeed some of the greatest thinkers of the last two thousand years....but is it true that they had the Secret or believed anything like the Secret? In this book we ll show you what they REALLY wrote and how they thought....and then we ll examine feelings and possibly take issue with what people say are the dangerous aspects of The Secret.

And you ll find out what people can really do to make their life better.

Customer Review: Interesting, thought-provoking & eye-opening!

"The Secret" (By Rhonda Byrne) is one of the Amazon's bestselling books & dvds, but the most of the reader's reviews suggest that there's something wrong with the underlying premise, the Law of Attraction (LOA). For the uninitiated, here's what the LOA teaches:

You're a Magnet! Thinking good thoughts creates positive vibrational energy that enables you to attract your dream lover, wealth, success and happiness beyond your wildest dreams.

You're a Creator! You can think anything you want into existence. After all, the Law of Attraction is a scientific fact, just like the law of gravity.

You're got the Power! Forget about your higher power, the universe is at your command. Think, speak and write down your intentions... and don't forget to give thanks in advance for what's coming to you. Your "good vibrations" will be richly rewarded, but be sure to leave the outcome open-ended, so whatever happens is in your best interest.

You're a Look-the-Other-Wayer! Don't focus on anyone but yourself. That's right, look the other way when you see obesity, rape, abuse, injustice or crime. It's best to protect yourself by being in a positive vibrational energy all the time. The risk of attracting something you don't want is too great, so make it your practice to look the other way.

You're responsible! Yes, everything that happens in your life is your responsibility. Even events that seem out of your control are brought on by the magnetic energy of your thoughts. The downside is that you are also partially responsible for the Collective Social Consciousness that says, "It's not my problem." Yes, you're partially to blame for the holocaust, but don't worry about that. Let someone else worry about it who is ignorant about vibrational energy.

If you're reading this and shaking your head in unbelief, "The Secret Behind the Secret LOA" is for you. The book takes a critical look at "The Secret" as it examines it's magical thinking, something-for-nothing message, get-rich-quick appeal, and the "you're-one-product-away-from-success" upsell that's behind the bestselling book and movie.

Surprisingly, the authors admit that they'd love for the "Law of Attraction" to be possible. Contributing psychologist Kevin Hogan admits to doing a visualization exercise after discovering he had hyperkeratosis / Leukoplakia. Hogan found the surgical procedure for removing leukoplakia in a medical textbook, and memorized it. He then mentally performed the surgery on himself (by visualizing the operation in his mind) 50 times a day. When Hogan returned to the doctor, it was discovered that his hyperkeratosis was gone. It's a medical miracle that Hogan attributes to the "Attraction Factor" and priming (or using mental imagery to prepare your mind for the best possible outcome.) Hogan suggests the attraction factor is worth experimenting with, but admits it does not work all the time.

There are lots of gems in this book. Blair Warren says we think 60,000 thoughts daily, making self-monitoring (and consistent "good vibrations") just about impossible. Thinking isn't always black and white; as many things in life may feel bad (exercise, fasting, staying on a budget, etc) yet may be good for us. Dave Lakhani offers compelling reasons why "The Secret" resembles a cult, and suggests six alternative ways to get the edge. Bob Beverly shares seven keys to success and well-being.

Each of the four authors (Hogan, Warren, Lakhani, Beverly) take turns writing chapters, making this book a lot like a roundtable discussion. Together, they knock down the "house of cards" created by the Secret and it's followers. By reading this book, you too will be ready to offer an intelligent and sensitive rebuttal to "The Secret." Plus, think of all the time, money and energy you'll save by avoiding "Law of Attraction" books, cds, and seminars. That makes this book worth every penny of its cover price.

This book is recommended for anyone who had read or watched "The Secret" and wants to work through the issues surrounding the Law of Attraction. Personally, I've struggled with these issues myself, and this book really opened my eyes. Now, I realize that it's good to dream about what I want to accomplish in life, but "good vibrations" are not enough to make my dreams a reality.

Customer Review: Healthy tactics are NOT laws of science

Are state lotteries really a competition of who can visualize the hardest? I think not, but I heard this premise from a "Law of Attraction" platform seller.

Yes, positive thinking increases your likelihood of "attracting" positive results, but this is not a law of physics with replicable results. And, taking The Secret too seriously leads to rediculous assumptions. The victims of Virginia Tech did NOT "attract" their deaths. The Secret Behind The Secret discusses the ramifications of a well marketed movie taken too seriously by many. For the sake of your sanity and critical reasoning skills, if you have watched The Secret more than three times you need to buy this book.

I like The Secret. I'll watch it with friends. I'll give the movie to friends I imagine benefiting from concepts in The Secret. However, Law of Attraction zealots are like Christian Scientists who won't see a doctor to get an antibiotic when they are really sick.

If what you are thinking and doing aren't getting you the specific measurable results you expect, consider getting more scientific and taking action. Prayer may work, but simply thinking about winning doesn't make winners of all the lottery buyers.

No matter how much I visualize flying, gravity still works.

On the other hand:

"More people are humbugged by believing in too little than believing too much." --P.T. Barnum

how to manifest money

Thursday, June 12, 2008

attraction basics law teachings

Excuse Me, Your Life Is Now: Mastering the Law of Attraction

Excuse Me, Your Life Is Now: Mastering the Law of Attraction
Lynn Grabhorn's New York Times bestseller Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting taught four fundamental principles for manifesting the life you want--knowing what you don't want, knowing what you do want, getting into the feeling of what you want, and allowing what you want to come into your life. The nearly half a million readers who resonated with her wildly popular book will embrace this follow-up which offers overwhelming evidence that the principles work. Following Grabhorn's untimely passing in 2004, Banaszak, who teaches these principles and has been inundated with true stories of transformation by Grabhorn's readers, took up the gauntlet. Capturing Grabhorn's dynamic, no-nonsense style, Banaszak has brought together this impressive collection of personal accounts of these principles in practice, detailing the amazing ways that people's lives have been transformed as they have manifested their! Readers who have been frustrated by slow or nonexistent change can now access the missing link: it is the power of our feelings that brings our dreams into manifestation, as these inspiring accounts prove. Future books in this exciting, new "Excuse Me" series will apply Lynn Grabhorn's power of feelings concept to parenting, family relationships, and personal development.

Customer Review: Disappointing

I was very disappointed with this book. I was basically "addicted" to Lynn Grabhorn's book "Excuse me, your life is waiting". After I found out that Lynn passed away I was so upset that there would be no sequel to that book. I was overjoyed when I found out that someone else "tried" to write the sequel. I felt that Doreen displayed NONE of the pazazz that Lynn originally did. I didn't enjoy a moment of this book. I thought it was dull and NOTHING like the original

Customer Review: Great sequel to Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting

Doreen Banaszak had big shoes to fill when she was asked to create a sequel to Lynn Grabhorn's bestseller, Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting. And she did it! Doreen fills in many of the gaps in understanding how the Law of Attraction and the conscious creation process really work. The techniques and deeper understandings in this book can help you break through some of the more challenging aspects of manifesting your desires. I also really enjoyed Doreen's conversational style, and how she shared some of her own personal challenges. By seeing how she overcame some of the biggest challenges of the conscious creation process, by using these principles, she sets a great example of how anyone else can too. This is a very inspirational and empowering book!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

the secret

The Law of Attraction In Action-How To Magnetize Your Heart's Desire

The Law of Attraction In Action-How To Magnetize Your Heart's Desire
In this 60 minute live interview, you'll discover fun tools to use for The Law of Attraction In Action� to magnetize your heart s desires: * What vibrating on purpose means * The four steps of Deliberate Creation * How to use contrast (challenges) for your highest outcomes *What magic and miracles really are *Simple tools to attract your heart s desires with personal life examples. Heather also unwraps asks questions where Sharon reveals: * How your consciousness is like electricity * How you often step on your own hose in your daily life * Tools to consistently stay connected to your Stream of Well Being * Turning impossible into I'm possible strategies

Customer Review: one of the best CDs on manifesting

I read Sharon Warren's book and really enjoyed it. The CD is a 'how-to' on manifesting, a topic that so many other new-age authors talk about and write about but never get to the essence of, always leaving the listener in limbo, wondering why they are not able to manifest their goals. This CD explains the concept behind the principle of manifesting then goes on to give tools that are easy to understand and easy to use. I have enough books, CDs, and DVDs, on this topic to open my own store, most of which have not been very helpful to me, but this is one that actually delivers to you, the reader, in down to earth, easy to understand language, some practical help that is easy to apply. I highly recommend this CD to anyone who has ever wondered why THEY are not manifesting their desires.

Customer Review: so simple and a joy to listen to

I have enjoyed this cd as it is easy to listen to and I have picked up on several things I had forgotten it is straight talking.I know I will listen to it lots if times in the future. Great tool to help you keep focused

how to manifest your dreams

Saturday, June 07, 2008

how to manifest your desires

Law of Attraction Toolkit: Learn How To Master The Secret (Start Receiving What You Are Wanting in Life!)

Law of Attraction Toolkit: Learn How To Master The Secret (Start Receiving What You Are Wanting in Life!)
If you have heard about or seen The Secret, now learn how to apply these principles in your day-to-day life. The Law of Attraction Toolkit is a practical written guide. It is intended for those who have a pressing need for answers and instructions for effectively applying the Law of Attraction (The Secret). It is for those who are still struggling with creating and most importantly receiving what they truly desire in life. The Law of Attraction Toolkit will give you the methods and tools for deliberate creation. It will give you the answers you have been seeking. It will help guide you every step of the way to obtaining the life you have always wanted. Learn how to remove the road blocks that are stopping you from receiving what you desire. You have the power to create and receive, you just need the right methods and tools to get the job done. Why wait any longer when you can start creating your new life today. The actions you take at this very moment will pre-pave your future. If you truly want to HAVE a life of wealth, perfect health, prosperity, loving relationships and success, take the inspired action and purchase your copy of the Law of Attraction Toolkit today. The Universe is always listening. The real question is: Do You Know How To Ask and Receive?

Customer Review: Getting What You Want in Life.

Law of Attraction Toolkit: Learn How To Master The Secret (Start Receiving What You Are Wanting in Life!)If you are trying to apply the principles of the law of attraction or if you can't seem to get what you want in life, then this toolkit is for you. The processes and exercises contained in the Law of Attraction Toolkit teach you what to do each day. It helps you think in a more positive way. It helps you get rid of the obstacles blocking the Universe from providing to you what you want. This toolkit is a must have for anyone who has seen the movie The Secret or read the book. The Secret does work. You just need to use the Law of Attraction Toolkit and learn how to receive what you want in life.

Customer Review: Receiving What You Really Want in Life

Law of Attraction Toolkit: Learn How To Master The Secret (Start Receiving What You Are Wanting in Life!) If you are struggleing with the principles of the Law of Attraction then you may be having emotions or thoughts of doubt or disbelief. Learning to think in a certain way isn't always easy in the beginning, this is why it is important to have an effective tool to help you along the way. The Law of Attraction Toolkit gives you the tools you need to start thinking and acting in a certain way so you can start allowing the Universe to provide you what you desire. The Law of Attraction Toolkit also gives you the methods to remove the resistance in your life that is blocking you from receiving what you are asking for from the Universe. This toolkit is a must have for anyone who has seen The Secret or has read about the Law of Attraction and wants to receive what they truly want in life. You may know how to ask, but the real question is... do you know how to receive? Now you can learn how!

Friday, June 06, 2008

how to manifest wealth

Secrets of Attraction: The Universal Laws of Love, Sex and Romance

Secrets of Attraction: The Universal Laws of Love, Sex and Romance
In this book the author reveals how the Universal Laws�and even quantum physics�actually direct the course of your relationship destiny.

Customer Review: Hope

I like this book, it gives alot of hope and optimisim to ones life.

It helped me look at myself in a different way, positivte for sure.

The life stories or other people's experiences mentioned in the book many people can relate to, including myself. Very well written, I almost spent a whole weekend on it. I just have one comment regarding the medetitation part mentioned I hoped it was more elaborated because I believe it is very important to practice meditation in this stressfull life of ours.

Overall this is a very good book. I recommend it to all.

I reached chapter 11, few more to go :-)

Customer Review: Now is the time to change your life for the better. This is the book that will give you the way.

Life seems to get harder, but with the information in this book you can take control and change your life around for the better. Rarely does a book deliver what it advertises. This is one book you can count on to improve those areas in your life needing attention. I found this book to be easy to read while giving practical solutions that are easily applied to every day life. I found the suggestions in this book helped me find ways to improve my relationships. Now more than ever we need positive alternatives to augment our relationships, Sandra Taylor's book delivers on all counts. I cannot recommend it enough.

Secret of the law

Thursday, June 05, 2008

attraction accelerator

Law of Attraction: Develop Irresistible Attraction

Law of Attraction: Develop Irresistible Attraction

This book is the guide on how to use the law of attraction to quickly meet life goals and dreams. Readers will learn how to stop struggling to achieve success and happiness, and instead, how to attract people, things and opportunities. Readers will learn in five simple steps how to achieve such dreams as more money, new romantic relationships, improved family relationships, new jobs, job promotions, and increased sales. Through the familiar structure of goal setting, Connie Domino teaches readers how to word goals and how to fine-tune thinking, feelings and self-talk for very quick results.

Customer Review: Law of Attraction: Develope Irresistible Attraction

This book was a great overview of LOA with simple steps to follow to attract to you all that you desire.

Customer Review: Interesting read

Having read creative visualization by Shakti Gawain and Ask and it will be given by Hicks, this was easy to follow. The book is well written and concise to the point. A good buy.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

law of attraction the secret

Crossing an Unseen Bridge: The Law of Attraction Secrets No One Wants to Talk About

Crossing an Unseen Bridge: The Law of Attraction Secrets No One Wants to Talk About
Crossing an Unseen Bridge breaks the silence surrounding what the Law of Attraction really is and what it really does. Author and journalist Patricia Arnold fills in the blanks in current turn-key solutions so that millions have tried and failed to leverage the Law of Attraction can begin to see positive results. This is a much-needed prequel that can make an immediate difference.

Secret of the law

Sunday, June 01, 2008

the law of attraction

The Power of Mentorship and The Law of Attraction Special Edition

The Power of Mentorship and The Law of Attraction Special Edition
The Law of Attraction The Power of Mentorship and the Law of Attraction. For the first time ever, some of our top international leaders like Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor and John Assaraf have come together in one book to share with you the amazing secret of the law of attraction and how to apply it to your life This book brings more than just inspiration and motivation; it gives you the key to unlock every dream, every desire, and every goal you have ever wanted. Not based on hype or fiction, but on solid scientific laws that work to bring us everything we have in life. You can now learn how to have more, be more, and do more by applying this universal secret, the law of attraction.