Friday, August 29, 2008

mind power

Showers of Blessings: A Guided Journal Celebrating God's Law of Attraction

Showers of Blessings: A Guided Journal Celebrating God's Law of Attraction
This guided journal and devotional is like no other. Finally there is a devotional which actually moves you past the reading and into the soul of God seeded within yourself. Each simple, daily meditation teaches your heart and body to be still enough to experience and know the presence of God within and around you. The daily journaling begins with gratefulness and guides you through focus points that will bring your thoughts, heart, and spirit into the positive frequency upon which God works the miracles of His will in your life. Additional journaling pages guide you into deeper explorations of God's will for your life blended with His truth contained within your own inner vision. Designed to help you push past your fears which block you from receiving the abundant and fulfilling life God has prepared for you in His will, Showers of Blessings invites an awakening of all that is true and beautiful within each of us.

how to manifest your desires

Thursday, August 28, 2008


The Secret of Rhonda Byrne or The Law of Attraction in the Bible

The Secret of Rhonda Byrne or The Law of Attraction in the Bible
"The Secret of Rhonda Byrne" or "The Law of Attraction" is not a new concept. In fact,it isn't a secret at all. The law of attraction was first promulgated by some of theearliest wise men, and it appears again and again throughout the Bible. But very fewpeople have learned or understand it.That's why it's unfamiliar to many and the reason it remains virtually a secret.If you were to ask one man after another what the secret of success is, you probably wouldn't run into one man who could tell you. Yet, this information is enormously valuable to us, if we really understand and apply it. It's valuable to us not only for our own lives, but for the lives of those around us - our families, employees, associates and friends. The principles of the Secret - the principles of success, appear again and again throughout the Bible, if you only look carefully.

CONTENTS:One Great Law,Believe,Your right to be rich,Prayer,Visualization,The Power of Words,As a man thinketh,Gratitude,Desire,As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap,Mental Healings in the Bible

Customer Review: Turkey Trot for scooter level

A friend twisted my arm... Hey! A friend is a friend.

the lottery will make you rich too.

at 1 to 14,000,000 odds

Customer Review: Kiss your money goodbye...

I expected this book to be chock full of Biblical facts to support or refute "The Secret." This is not the case.

The book has several punctuation/spelling errors. Was there no editor?

It is only 100 pages. The font is large and everything is spaced far apart. The book could have been written in 50 pages to save paper.

There are "quotes" throughout the book that are meant to make a person think they are from the Bible, however, no verse/chapter is referenced so unless one is Biblically savvy, one cannot tell if they are from the Good Book or not.

I looked up many of the scriptures which are referenced and most of them are taken out of context. For example...

Numbers 13:33

And we seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same (like grasshoppers) in their eyes.

If you read the whole chapter in the Bible, the reason they seemed like grasshoppers was because the people were very tall (giants). Period. No secrets. No hidden message. They didn't really "think" they were grasshoppers, therefore, everyone believed they were grasshoppers. It was just a tall/short thing.

Sometimes the chapter of a verse is listed but not the verse number. When I tried to find the verse being referenced, I couldn't. So, I'm not sure if they are really verses or not.

The author talks about evolution as if it is real. (Maybe it is, maybe it isn't but many Christians believe evolution is a fallacy. Why even mention it in this book?)

He also says that whether we believe that God rules the universe or some other power rules it, it doesn't matter. The principles are all the same. It all works the same.

How many God-fearing Christians do you know who believe this? (Between this theory and the aforementioned evolution, I have to wonder if the author is a Christian at all?)

Perhaps the biggest secret of all is how this book ever got published. You will not find the answers you seek here. It is far better to get them from the Bible yourself.

Law of attraction videos

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


The Law of Attraction in Action: Episode III

The Law of Attraction in Action: Episode III

�Stop ‘telling it like it is� and start telling it like you want it to be!�
Total, permanent world peace: Can it be achieved? Should we even try?
Oh, to cruise the oceans of bliss . . . but you can�t afford it?! Closing the gap between your now reality and your vibrational escrow.
Anchors of resistance: If you�ve got negative emotion and you ignore it . . . don�t worry—something else will show up!
Proving you are �right� in court: Abraham talks about the true cost of litigation.
Land of the free? When our own government starts to tread on our fundamental freedoms, don�t we have a responsibility to stand up for ourselves?
OhmygodwhatifmydoggetsrunoverbyacarormyhouseburnsdownwhileI�mgone? What to do when your vivid imagination runs wild with horrible thoughts!
To do or not to do? What�s the right mix between doing something and simply allowing thought-energy to flow?
Men and women—are there fundamental differences? It often seems as though she wants to settle down while he wants to be free. Are we—deep inside—different?
She�s ready—REALLY ready—for a baby: fertility specialists, acupuncturists, detoxing, organics, a healthy and prepared body . . . trusting, trying to feel positive . . . what to do when something you really, really want just ain�t showin� up!
Take this job and . . . DO it! Dealing with a very bossy boss who says, �Do this thing I�m pretty sure you don�t want to do, and I don�t want to hear any guff about it.�
And much, much more . . . answers and inspiration from the Non-Physical entity Abraham—whom Esther calls �infinite intelligence� and Jerry refers to as �the purest form of love I�ve ever encountered.�

Customer Review: Law of Attraction DVD

Fantastic! Will watch again and again. If you like "Ask and it is Given" and Esther & Jerry Hicks, you will love this dvd. Highly recommend.

Customer Review: Channeling is not my cup of tea BUT

I like "Abraham"/Hicks teaching a little more than the ever so harsh and materialistic "Secret".

This stuff does work. I publish books that the authors Hicks and the producer of the Secret "borrowed" from. There is a catch however; the Universe cannot be used as an ATM. There is a reverse blow when you manifest. What does this mean? It means that there is a cost for everything. Oh yes, if your karma would not allow manifesting something it won't work. period


Murine Press

how to manifest your dreams

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

law of attraction tips

Emily and Jacob Explore The Law of Attraction for Kids

Emily and Jacob Explore The Law of Attraction for Kids
We all want a better life! All of us want to be happy. We want the best for our children. They want more stuff! How do the thoughts we think affect our life? What does science have to say about our thoughts and The Law of Attraction? Emily and Jacob are just two regular kids talking about the facts and exploring possibilities. The best way to learn is by asking questions and they've got lots of them! Your kids will be captivated and inspired as Emily and Jacob explore the exciting world of quantum mechanics. Their practical examples for applying The Law of Attraction will teach your children how to create their own success. Emily and Jacob explore The Law of Attraction for Kids is an easy-to-understand conversation that will really make you think!