Tuesday, September 30, 2008

what is the law of attraction

How to Attract Money: The Law of Attraction, Revised Edition

How to Attract Money: The Law of Attraction, Revised Edition
It is your right to be rich. You are here to lead the abundant life, and to be happy, radiant, and free. You should, therefore, have all the money you need to lead a full, happy, prosperous life.

There is no virtue in poverty; the latter is a mental disease, and it should be abolished from the face of the earth. You are here to grow, expand, and unfold - spiritually, mentally, and materially. You have the inalienable right to fully develop and express yourself along all lines. You should surround yourself with beauty and luxury.

Customer Review: Shor, simple and remarkable

This book is a must read. Information is presented in a very simple but powerful manner. It has a lot of examples of people who succeeded with the help of the author and has information on the steps they have taken and how they changed their mindset. A book worth reading over & over again.

Customer Review: Hmm how to attract Money?

Learn to write about How to Attract Money, and you surely will attract a lot of readers hungry to throw their money. The same old trick this is the "Secret", by the way there was a book with the same name and same contest - how to attract nothing.

how to manifest wealth

Monday, September 29, 2008

the secret law of attraction

Law of Attraction: The Science Of Attracting More Of What You Want And Less Of What You Don't

Law of Attraction: The Science Of Attracting More Of What You Want And Less Of What You Don't
Customer Review: Best Book on Law of Attraction


I am a student of the Law of Attraction (LOA) and have many books on the topic. I would highly recommend that no matter how many books you have, you also get this book. What makes it unique is that it is very applied, very technical (in a good way) so that you can debug your process of applying the LOA so that it will work for you. For example, you will discover why affirmations may not be working for you, and what to do to craft affirmations that do work. You'll discover HOW to "allow", which is the most difficult step of the LOA.

The book is an easy read, and a valuable read that anyone can understand, but will be of great interest to sophisticated readers also.

The author includes a valuable chapter on using the LOA with children, a topic not covered anywhere else that I have found.

The book's format is one that lends itself to easy skimming as you learn to apply the LOA so that you can review (summaries, shaded boxes, etc.). Still, it is a book that I've read in its entirety twice and will read again and again until I am proficient at applying the concepts.

Although the book is short (144 pages) and only takes an hour or two to read, it is incredibly valuable information, well worth many times the price.


how to manifest your desires

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction

The law of attraction

Thursday, September 25, 2008

attraction basics law teachings

The Art of True Healing: a Treatise on the Mechanism of Prayer, and the Operation of the Law of Attraction in Nature

The Art of True Healing: a Treatise on the Mechanism of Prayer, and the Operation of the Law of Attraction in Nature

Secret of the law


Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction

Loa the secret

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Law of Attraction Workbook

Law of Attraction Workbook
The Law of Attraction Workbook is an easy to use, but powerful Seven Step Process that provides the tools and techniques to teach you how to create your life and live it fully, to your highest potential. The power of the Law of Attraction is that you can start now, no matter what your circumstances are and move to the manifestation of your desires in all aspects of your life. If you enjoyed The Secret, you now have a practical tool to apply the concepts to your life.

Customer Review: Try it, you'll like it!

This book is a wonderful tool that doesn't just talk about ideas, but gets the reader involved in step by step excercises to actually implement the Law of Attraction into his or her life.

It isn't 'psycho babble' nor is it the 'occult'.

Thanks for the laugh though, "Haters". ;-)

You're already forgiven for your limited fear based beliefs, that's the beauty of it all!

Try this book, practice what it says, and your life will change for the better. It's not a magic pill, but as Wayne Dyer says, "Change your thoughts, change your life!"

It's simple and beautiful, and the proof is in the doing.

Step out of your fear...

If you don't know how, here is your guide book.

Customer Review: Sound Advice

The Law of Attraction

By Esther and Jerry Hiscks

All of creation first takes place in the mind. YHVH first had the thought and then spoke His Creation into existence. Obviously, His Creation was brought about for His (e-motion) called pleasure.

As a baby, a wet diaper brought about the sensation of discomfort and that provoked the emotion that caused the baby to cry. The same with hunger, heat or cold...

Without the thought and the emotion, maybe the baby would never awaken, move, cry, nor do anything at all--even his waking up and crying is a creation of his own doing. When I say `his own doing', I am speaking of the spirit within him, the real him. The body was uncomfortable. The spirit within the body knows that it has the duty to care for and preserve the body in which it resides.

Why wouldn't the Spirit within my body attempt to guide my body and brain to do all of the things which It (My Spirit) came here to do.

How can I pull myself out of depression except by consciously appreciating the things and relationships that I have? When I train my brain to do that, My Spirit responds by lifting up and changing my whole direction of negativity.

The book answers a lot of questions for me; like negative events that occur in spurts. For instance: the Postal killings; the fast food restaurant killings; the school massacres; serial killings and rapists; rashes of wild weather, tsunamis, tornados, and fires. Then there are also the health issues and surgeries. Everyone you know has a heart attack, then high cholesterol, then prostrate problems, sinus problems, ovarian cysts, carpal tunnel, cancer, and on and on. The point is, first it's one problem, then another, then another. I believe the authors, that the problems are created by all of the attention and emotion that is focused on them by so many people at one time.

The very first part of this book, where the authors explain how and where they got their information is the only part that does not set right with me. However, I do not believe the info was received from evil spirits and I do not believe that for a Child of God to be always expanding is contrary to God's Will for us. His own Creation is always expanding.

I admit there are a lot of things that I don't know, but just because I wasn't reared to know or experience them, doesn't mean that I'm going to close the door on something that God is trying to teach me or bring into my experience.

Most of the time, I am pretty hard on myself for not accomplishing as much (and as fast) as I think I should. As I think of this, is it the real inner me, scolding so that I will not misuse any valuable holy time here on this Earth?

You see, man thinks he thinks but he does not think he creates with every thought, so be carefull what you are thinking because you are getting everything you think and more.

Be blessed and live life as if it were your last day on earth.

how to manifest your desires

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Secret

Law of Attraction - How to Attract Money, Love, and Happiness (Guide for Living)

Law of Attraction - How to Attract Money, Love, and Happiness (Guide for Living)
Can you really attract more love, money, and happiness by simply thinking a certain way? This answer is yes! In the book, you'll learn the secret to attracting everything you've ever wanted in life. Once you understand the Law of Attraction, you'll experience greater joy, better health, quality relationships, and unlimited money. This book will give you everything you need to understand the Law of Attraction and a step-by-step process on how to apply it to your everyday life. You'll get a better sense of how your relationships, health issues, finances, career concerns, and other aspects of life are influenced by this universal law.

Customer Review: A must have for any Library

If you are looking to make some changes (no matter how big or small) to your life, this book is a fantastic resource. I highly recommend it. It is a must read for anyone that is not happy with how their life is working and wants to enrich their life further.

Customer Review: Interesting Book

I first became interested in the book after watching "The Secret". I wanted to understand more about the secret which is not really a secret at all and this book actually does that with good explanations. It all does make sense in applying these laws to your life. This is really a good book the begin with if you're looking to make positive changes in your life.


Monday, September 22, 2008

quantum physics

The Wisdom of Wallace D. Wattles II - Including: The Purpose Driven Life, The Law of Attraction & The Law of Opulence

The Wisdom of Wallace D. Wattles II - Including: The Purpose Driven Life, The Law of Attraction & The Law of Opulence
The Wisdom of Wallace D. Wattles II - Including: The Purpose Driven Life, The Law of Attraction & The Law of Opulence

The Purpose Driven Life

Discover the one, all intelligent Source of power as W. D. Wattles guides you, step-by-step, on how to bring about the mental and physical conditions you desire. Learn how to successfully use prayer, will, and faith to demonstrate health, wealth, peace and wisdom in your life, as you explore the timeless question: What on Earth Am I Here For?

The Law of Attraction

We speak learnedly of the Law of Gravitation, but ignore that equally wonderful manifestation, THE LAW OF ATTRACTION. Discover the steadfast, mathematical cause of success available to all mankind, and begin to apply it to YOUR life today to produce the effects you seek. Wattles explains how to KNOW, with certitude, that you can succeed, and shows you HOW to do so. The power lies within your own mind. Master the principles Wattles presents, and you cannot fail to move forward toward the attainment of your goals.


The Law of Opulence

Learn the requirements for non-competitive success - the true secret to living happily in God's world. Since the purpose of nature is the continuous advancement of every man into more abundance, to be one with the laws or the mind of nature is to desire the advancement of all men at the expense of none. When what you seek for yourself you seek for all, then what you get for yourself - health, wealth, and happiness - you get for all.

Customer Review: good overview

I recommend this book (volume II), and volumes I and III, to anyone who is starting the search for 'truth', seeking to change their life's direction, seeking ideas on what and who they are, and why things are.

The books are easy reads, and at the same time, tell you lots about your own power, the power of the mind, the power of thoughts, your beliefs and vibrations, without being too 'flowery' or 'mystical'. Those who are just starting out their exploration of the power of the mind and The Secret etc, will find this book and volumes I and II all helpful and insightful.

The author also gives example affirmations and thought patterns to use to bring about positive change in one's mental attitudes and life.

They are good books to start off with, or to read in addition to similar writers such as Joseph Murphy, Ernest Holmes and H Emilie Cady...

As Wattles says in chapter four of 'The Science of Being Great' ( volume I), 'God is wrapped about us, enfolds us and presses upon us from every side....We are immersed in mind and that mind contains all knowlege and all truth...you can make yourself what you desire to be: you can do what you wish to do; you can have what you want...'.

Volume II (page 109) he states '...The desire for advancement is a fundamental fact in the action of mind, therefore the desire for advancement is in all and through all. All things desire the advancement of every man. If a man desires any good thing in order to live his life more fully, that thing desires him also...'

Volume III (page 98) he states, '...and if you recognise disease within yourself, you prevent God from reaching you; and you form within yourself that which you recognise as existing...'.

I think volume one is the best of the three volumes, but they all contain insights.

Customer Review: The Truth

His message is enlightening and if we can live the way he described in the book, the world will be advancing faster towards perfection.

Secret of the law

Sunday, September 21, 2008

quantum physics

Your Invisible Power by Genevieve Behrend & Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World by William Walker Atkinson

Your Invisible Power by Genevieve Behrend & Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World by William Walker Atkinson


I. Order of Visualization

II. How to Attract to Yourself the Things You Desire

III. Relation Between Mental and Physical Form

IV. Operation of Your Mental Picture

V. Expressions from Beginners

VI. Suggestions for Making Your Mental Picture

VII. Things to Remember in Using Your Thought Power for the Production of New Conditions

VIII. Why I Took Up the Study of Mental Science

IX. How I Attracted to Myself Twenty Thousand Dollars

X. How I Became the Only Personal Pupil of T. Troward, the Great Mental Scientist

XI. How to Bring the Power in Your Word Into Action

XII. How to Increase Your Faith

XIII. The Reward of Increased Faith

XIV. How to Make Nature Respond to You

XV. Faith With Works-What It Has Accomplished

XVI. Suggestions As to How to Pray or Ask, Believing You Have Already Received

XVII. Things to Remember

Customer Review: Wow

I thought this audio was excellent (BUT: it will only play on my computer, I tried every cd player in my house).Also, there is no chapter 5. So, I don't know if it was a verbal/written mistake, or if there is an actual chapter missing. But the info is great, it takes visualization to a whole new level. I recommend it for everyone- especially young people, so they understand early on- that you think about, manifests!

Customer Review: Excellent!

Eventhough this is a slim volume of only 95 pages,the ideas contained in this book must be carefully mulled in the mind and understood. Once these ideas are properly digested then it seems such a simple thing to do. In Chapter 8, Miss Behrend discusses why she took up mental science. She says "My initial impulse toward the study of Mental Science was an overwhelming sense of loneliness." Isnt this true for us all? This book is a gold mine. Study it and Study it again. It will surely reshape your life.

Devorss publications has a new edition and is available at amazon otherwise you can purchase it at their website at devorss.com

how to manifest money

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Law of Attraction Workbook - A 6-Step Plan to Attract Money, Love, and Happiness

Law of Attraction Workbook - A 6-Step Plan to Attract Money, Love, and Happiness
In this workbook, you'll learn the exact process to attracting everything you've ever wanted in life, including greater joy, excellent health, quality relationships, and unlimited money. This workbook will give you everything you need to understand the Law of Attraction. You'll get a better sense of how your relationships, health issues, finances, career concerns, and other aspects of life are influenced by this universal law. This is more than just theory... It's practical information that will work for you. Fill in the blanks to walk away with your personalized plan to apply the Law of Attraction in your life.

Customer Review: law of attraction

Very informative and practical book. As a professional teacher/consultant in Canada for people who wish to better use their subconscious mind to improve their life through the law of attraction, I would personally give this book my recommendation to beginners to the subject as well as people who already have a grounding in the subject.

Customer Review: Contradicts "The Secret" DVD

After seeing the movie "The Secret" I thought it might be helpful to get a workbook to help me with the principles they teach regarding The Law of Attraction. However, the first thing I noticed upon opening this workbook is that the first 42 pages ask you to write down every NEGATIVE thing you can think of about your life! You are asked to fill in the blanks regarding what you worry about most, what you struggle with, what you are concerned about, with your life partner, with your family, about money, about your career, and on and on. When I watched The Secret, my first impression was that you should not even dwell on these things AT ALL. So it seems as right at the beginning this book violates the first principle -- CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS! Then, once the book does get around to the part where your write how you would like your life to be, it specifically asks to you write down HOW YOU EXPECT TO ACCOMPLISH these changes! (i.e. "You need to move beyond listing the things you need to change and begin to focus on what you are going to do to attract each of the things . . .") This specifically contradicts another principle revealed in The Secret, which stated that you do not have to KNOW how it will come about, and you do not have to try to figure out yourself HOW IT WILL COME ABOUT! This appears to be one of those typical self-help books that have been published in the past, and it seems to have been just slightly adjusted to fit the principles of the Law of Attraction. Maybe this is a different "Law of Attraction" than they present in The Secret DVD? If you are looking for a book to help you with accomplishing the goals set by The Secret DVD, look elsewhere, this isn't it.

Law of attraction videos

Friday, September 19, 2008


Ask, and It Is Given - Unabridged (The Law of Attraction, Part I)

Ask, and It Is Given - Unabridged (The Law of Attraction, Part I)
This 4-CD program, which encompasses Part I of the best-selling book "Ask and It Is Given", presents the teachings of the nonphysical entity Abraham. At the heart of these teachings is the most powerful Law of the Universe: The Law of Attraction.

Secret of the law

Monday, September 15, 2008

law of attraction tips

The Law of Attraction: And Other Secrets of Visualization

The Law of Attraction: And Other Secrets of Visualization

how to manifest wealth

law of attraction in action

Fire Burning in Water: The Law of Attraction Examples of Misuse and Successes

Fire Burning in Water: The Law of Attraction Examples of Misuse and Successes
A broken man returns to his lover to find out where he went wrong in his life. It's nothing that the Law of Attraction can't explain. This novelized diary explains the Law of Attraction in detail, including how it can be used successfully or abused to the point of losing everything. Other Universal Laws are also explained in this book that fills in the gaps left by The Secret and Abraham-Hicks, in particular how to manifest good things and feel good about yourself when thingsin your life are anything but good.

create your life

Sunday, September 14, 2008

law of attraction michael losier

Jesus Taught It Too: The Early Roots of the Law of Attraction

Jesus Taught It Too: The Early Roots of the Law of Attraction
When the words of Jesus are interpreted out of context they can be used to justify many contradictory concepts. However, when they are examined as a "stream of thought," we see the truth. In JESUS TAUGHT IT, TOO: THE EARLY ROOTS OF THE LAW OF ATTRACTION, Philip Harris examines over seventy quotes from the Master and shows that, contrary to recent claims and "revelations," the Law of Attraction has not been a secret at all. Instead, it has has been there for all to see for over two thousand years. Discover the truth. Read JESUS TAUGHT IT TOO and return to the love, prosperity, and power that Jesus himself promised.

Customer Review: Jesus Taught it too

Excellent Book!!! it was a true awakenings for me. Excellent way of explaining the law of attraction! I really enjoyed reading this book.

Customer Review: Beautiful

This review was sent to me by a Ahmed Jamal who lives in Jordan. I thought I would share it with you. "Jesus Taught It, Too is truly a beautiful book - and I rarely use the word beautiful when it comes to books! I just couldn't put it down - the combination of the message of Jesus along with Philip Harris' way of putting it in written prose is really like music to the soul. You'll just want to read it again and again."


Friday, September 12, 2008

how to use the law of attraction

Burying the Secret: The Road to Ruin Is Paved with Books about the Law of Attraction

Burying the Secret: The Road to Ruin Is Paved with Books about the Law of Attraction
Feverish compliance with the law of attraction in the 1980s left the author dead broke for 17 years and in a wheelchair by 2002, due to unanticipated medical conditions.

When Rhonda Byrne's The Secret muscled its way into the media in early 2007, the author's unpleasant memories morphed into a pressing need to complete the book she started during her perilous law-of-attraction period. Over a 10-year span, the author had read 300+ metaphysical books that inadvertently challenged The Secret's core message: Just focus on what you want and it will quickly manifest.

Burying The Secret was primarily inspired by Eastern thought, mysticism, and psychological matters as they relate to spirituality. The author learned about other elements at work, such as the laws governing cause and effect, transition, and suffering. She also discovered key influences on our soul's development, such as learning lessons, voluntary acts of redemption, sacrifice, and free will.

Burying The Secret indicts The Secret for its refusal to acknowledge that unanswered prayers are the norm and for its unfathomable premise: The law of attraction thrives as an independent force. Please email Babblingbooks at yahoo.com for a free PDF with 64 pages of excerpts. Please allow 72 hours for fulfillment.

This book is dedicated to everyone whose dreams and aspirations have been postponed indefinitely by life's inevitable detours.

An older soul with a pitiful level of evolution is like the high school thug, slumped in the back row, who tunes out the teacher. All the students are exposed to the same resources, but not everyone takes advantage of them. - Burying the Secret

Customer Review: A different way to view the law of attraction

Reviewed by Paige Lovitt for Reader Views (2/08)

In "Burying the Secret," Carol Rutter shares her story with us of how the Law of Attraction did not work for her. For years, she adhered to this idea, but things got worse and worse for her. When she started researching psychology, mysticism and Eastern thought, she realized that not all prayers are to be answered for a variety of reasons. She states, "The Secret" fails to acknowledge that unanswered petitions are the norm because fulfillment of the most dramatic or life-changing prayers usually conflict with our karmic standing and/or purpose in life..."

This really makes a lot of sense to me, especially after reading her book. She extensively researches the other areas mentioned above and references them so that you can further review her discussion. In her writings you discover why bad things happen to good people and you see good things happening to bad people. She really makes a lot of sense.

I enjoyed "The Secret" to the point that I read it, watched it, and went to a conference on it. Even though, I am a fan of "The Secret," I had a lot of questions in my mind; that she addresses. These questions and thoughts were lurking in the back of my mind, because I was afraid if I verbalized them, then I would be cancelling the Law of Attraction. After reading, "Burying the Secret," I feel like I have a greater understanding of how things really work.

I highly recommend "Burying the Secret" to people who are familiar or interested in "The Secret" or the Law of Attraction. It will help provide some balanced ideas to people who are on their spiritual quest. It will definitely help you understand why karmic law and/or prayer, does not always allow our prayers to be answered. Reading this book made me feel so much more positive about the path that I am on.

Customer Review: Inspiration is where you find it

I was intrigued by Carol Rutter's Burying the Secret, because I have read works on esoteric and mystical spirituality. First in studying intuition to enhance jazz improvisation, then as a means of evolving along my Christian pathway.

I had time to read this carefully as I recovered from surgery and reflected upon the circumstances in my life.

While, ostensibly, this book is an indictment of a pop psychology/light metaphysics light book, The Secret, the far-ranging work became much more to me.

I benefited from in depth treatments of the psychological aspects of parent child relations, a general treatment of Jungian psychology, particularly the collective unconscious, a short, but effective synopsis of Caroline Myss's work on recovering from wounds and intriguing sections later in the book on universal laws as she discerned them.

I also found her biographical sections on her life's lessons, how difficult it was to learn them and why "The Secret" was not effective for her to ring true and hold inspiration for me.

While I am not ready to embrace her more esoteric ideas, such as the Akashic records, definitive treatments of pre-birth activities, the fact is, I got plenty of inspiration from her words.

For example, Karmic debts and releases seems the same thing that the Bible describes as "whatever a man sows, this he will also reap". The human condition is to evolve. Whether the lessons are sent by a benevolent universe, as she believes, or all part of God's plan, as I believe, the individual must accept responsibility for their human and spiritual evolution and discerning and acting upon their purpose in life. Like Ms. Rutter and myself, people who do not want to learn life's lessons will be given repeat opportunities to learn them.

I do not believe that one book can an all-purpose spiritual and evolutionary guide, except maybe the Bible. However, one idea can inspire an individual to critically examine beliefs and behavior and make a change. There were many such ideas in this book. I received plenty of helpful inspiration and I can enthusiastically recommend this book.

I also want to say that there is a marvelous exercise in self understanding in an appendix near the end of the book.

how to manifest wealth

Thursday, September 11, 2008

what is the law of attraction

The Wisdom of Wallace D. Wattles II - Including: The Purpose Driven Life, The Law of Attraction & The Law of Opulence

The Wisdom of Wallace D. Wattles II - Including: The Purpose Driven Life, The Law of Attraction & The Law of Opulence
The Wisdom of Wallace D. Wattles II - Including: The Purpose Driven Life, The Law of Attraction & The Law of Opulence

The Purpose Driven Life

Discover the one, all intelligent Source of power as W. D. Wattles guides you, step-by-step, on how to bring about the mental and physical conditions you desire. Learn how to successfully use prayer, will, and faith to demonstrate health, wealth, peace and wisdom in your life, as you explore the timeless question: What on Earth Am I Here For?

The Law of Attraction

We speak learnedly of the Law of Gravitation, but ignore that equally wonderful manifestation, THE LAW OF ATTRACTION. Discover the steadfast, mathematical cause of success available to all mankind, and begin to apply it to YOUR life today to produce the effects you seek. Wattles explains how to KNOW, with certitude, that you can succeed, and shows you HOW to do so. The power lies within your own mind. Master the principles Wattles presents, and you cannot fail to move forward toward the attainment of your goals.


The Law of Opulence

Learn the requirements for non-competitive success - the true secret to living happily in God's world. Since the purpose of nature is the continuous advancement of every man into more abundance, to be one with the laws or the mind of nature is to desire the advancement of all men at the expense of none. When what you seek for yourself you seek for all, then what you get for yourself - health, wealth, and happiness - you get for all.

Customer Review: good overview

I recommend this book (volume II), and volumes I and III, to anyone who is starting the search for 'truth', seeking to change their life's direction, seeking ideas on what and who they are, and why things are.

The books are easy reads, and at the same time, tell you lots about your own power, the power of the mind, the power of thoughts, your beliefs and vibrations, without being too 'flowery' or 'mystical'. Those who are just starting out their exploration of the power of the mind and The Secret etc, will find this book and volumes I and II all helpful and insightful.

The author also gives example affirmations and thought patterns to use to bring about positive change in one's mental attitudes and life.

They are good books to start off with, or to read in addition to similar writers such as Joseph Murphy, Ernest Holmes and H Emilie Cady...

As Wattles says in chapter four of 'The Science of Being Great' ( volume I), 'God is wrapped about us, enfolds us and presses upon us from every side....We are immersed in mind and that mind contains all knowlege and all truth...you can make yourself what you desire to be: you can do what you wish to do; you can have what you want...'.

Volume II (page 109) he states '...The desire for advancement is a fundamental fact in the action of mind, therefore the desire for advancement is in all and through all. All things desire the advancement of every man. If a man desires any good thing in order to live his life more fully, that thing desires him also...'

Volume III (page 98) he states, '...and if you recognise disease within yourself, you prevent God from reaching you; and you form within yourself that which you recognise as existing...'.

I think volume one is the best of the three volumes, but they all contain insights.

Customer Review: The Truth

His message is enlightening and if we can live the way he described in the book, the world will be advancing faster towards perfection.

create your life

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

manifest money

Your Invisible Power by Genevieve Behrend & Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World by William Walker Atkinson

Your Invisible Power by Genevieve Behrend & Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World by William Walker Atkinson


I. Order of Visualization

II. How to Attract to Yourself the Things You Desire

III. Relation Between Mental and Physical Form

IV. Operation of Your Mental Picture

V. Expressions from Beginners

VI. Suggestions for Making Your Mental Picture

VII. Things to Remember in Using Your Thought Power for the Production of New Conditions

VIII. Why I Took Up the Study of Mental Science

IX. How I Attracted to Myself Twenty Thousand Dollars

X. How I Became the Only Personal Pupil of T. Troward, the Great Mental Scientist

XI. How to Bring the Power in Your Word Into Action

XII. How to Increase Your Faith

XIII. The Reward of Increased Faith

XIV. How to Make Nature Respond to You

XV. Faith With Works-What It Has Accomplished

XVI. Suggestions As to How to Pray or Ask, Believing You Have Already Received

XVII. Things to Remember

Customer Review: Wow

I thought this audio was excellent (BUT: it will only play on my computer, I tried every cd player in my house).Also, there is no chapter 5. So, I don't know if it was a verbal/written mistake, or if there is an actual chapter missing. But the info is great, it takes visualization to a whole new level. I recommend it for everyone- especially young people, so they understand early on- that you think about, manifests!

Customer Review: Excellent!

Eventhough this is a slim volume of only 95 pages,the ideas contained in this book must be carefully mulled in the mind and understood. Once these ideas are properly digested then it seems such a simple thing to do. In Chapter 8, Miss Behrend discusses why she took up mental science. She says "My initial impulse toward the study of Mental Science was an overwhelming sense of loneliness." Isnt this true for us all? This book is a gold mine. Study it and Study it again. It will surely reshape your life.

Devorss publications has a new edition and is available at amazon otherwise you can purchase it at their website at devorss.com

Law of attraction books

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

manifest destiny

Secrets to the Law of Attraction

Secrets to the Law of Attraction
AS FEATURED in the underground hit movie, "The Secret", the Law of Attraction has quickly become a working tool in the everyone's survival kit. You may not be aware of all the secrets that have been written through the ages about this Law. The Law of Attraction Classics series is composed from carefully selected bestselling authors who define and add to the theory and practice in using the Law of Attraction. The idea and purpose behind this series is to make these classics again available so that you can study and understand the principles at work in this Universe. This single volume was produced from excerpts out of this series for your immediate use. You can change your life using the Law of Attraction - but you have to know how to use it to do so... Sign up today for a free ecourse on the Law of Attraction.

Customer Review: The Editor's "Horse's Mouth" Review

While this seems to be a "bandwagon" book, it is actually a history of sort to "The Secret" and the Law of Attraction.

This book happened almost by accident. I was searching through my computer files for references containing "Law of Attracton" and found probably 20-40 different books by different authors which mentioned and described this particular law.

Studying these quickly told me that there needed to be a book which brought these authors back to life and able to be read by anyone interested in this personal development tool. So I selected the best chapters with the most tools and edited a book out of them.

And then edited and published all the old books I'd excerpted, so that any reader could find out more about them.

Some of these authors include: Thomas Troward (The Edinburgh and Dore Lectures on Mental Science), Charles M. Bristol (The Magic of Believing), Charles F. Haanel (Mental Chemistry), Genevieve Behrend (Your Invisible Power and How to Use It), Henry Thomas Hamblin (Within You is the Power), William Walker Atkinson (The Secret of Success), James Allen (As a Man Thinketh and Other Writings), Ernest Holmes (The Science of Mind: The Definitive Edition), Charles Fillmore (The Essential Charles Fillmore: Collected Writings of a Missouri Mystic), Prentice Mulford (Your Forces and How to Use Them - Prentice Mulford), Ralph Waldo Trine (The Master Key To This Mystical Life Of Ours), Christian D. Larsen (The Ideal Made Real Applied Metaphysics for Beginners (new edition)), Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich!: The Original Version, Restored and Revised), and Julia Seton, M.D. (Freedom Talks Number 1).

And to be honest, I'm still studying these authors as the depth of their understanding - even as much as 100 years ago or more - still exceeds what our modern personal development coaches and quantum physicists are just now re-discovering and publishing to the world.

I hope you like this book and find it useful. I've gotten more out of this book to date than any course, or program of study, or personal counseling/coaching I'd ever received to date.

Here's to attracting all the success and more into your life - whatever you really want. May all your dreams become reality!

Dr. Robert C. Worstell

Jan 11, 2008

Secret of the law

Monday, September 08, 2008

science of getting rich

Abraham's Teachings, An Introduction to: The Law of Deliberate Creation--About the Law of Allowing, The Powerful Law of Attraction...

Abraham's Teachings, An Introduction to: The Law of Deliberate Creation--About the Law of Allowing, The Powerful Law of Attraction...
audio book

Customer Review: Interesting...

Abraham Hicks' message is definitely one that is empowering and uplifting. However, I can't help but have some doubts about the genuineness of this. I would love to believe Abraham exists, but am I the only one who notices that Esther's accent changes the longer Abraham speaks through her? At first, when Abraham begins to speak, Esther's accent is thick and reminiscent of Eastern Europe of Gypsy. She also nearly shouts (in comparison to her usual meek, cheery voice) as though to distinguish a clear difference in voice patterns, making the listener more likely to believe it's not really Esther speaking. If Abraham is using Esther's vocabulary then why aren't they also using her natural accent and volume? Also, after a few minutes into the lecture, Esther's Abraham accent relaxes to a little closer to her own natural speaking voice. For some reason this glaring inconsistency then makes me aware that the rhythm of her voice sounds as though she is reading from a script and not speaking naturally. I am not a pessimist by nature and, as I've said, I would really love to believe Abraham is true, but I cannot help but find these oddities extremely distracting. This is why I've only given it 4 stars.

Other than that, I enjoy the message immensely and find myself more joyous after listening to it. Whether or not Abraham is true, these lectures are deliciously entertaining and heart-warming. I do believe in the concept they are teaching (ie: the law of attraction) just maybe not the method they use to teach it.

Customer Review: Everyone Else Copies Abraham - Read the Source!

I've bought all the latest and greatest "spiritual" books but Abraham-Hicks has been around since the 80s and no one has improved on their work. I constantly hear Abraham's terminology used by other authors but the Abraham-Hicks books are, to borrow one of their terms, the Source.

It's easy to get past the fact that Esther is presumably channeling, if you have a problem with that, because the truth of what is being said is so profound and hits you so squarely when you hear it you really don't care where it's coming from. I heard them first at a publishing convention where many authors spoke, including Wayne Dyer, and I signed up for Abraham-Hicks only for entertainment, I told my friend. Ten minutes into Abraham's presentation I was in tears.

I bought the 8 CDs and I listen to them over and over and over. Rich with "heads-on" ideas, I don't believe anyone need ever be depressed again after reading this work.

There is only one thing I disagree with in all the Hay House books, including this one, which is that we attract everything that happens to us. We have children running out for baseballs who get kidnapped, horribly molested and murdered - and they didn't attract that. They were unprotected and that may have attracted immature or sociopathic people. But the thoughts of these children didn't attract what happened to them.

But this does not in any way cloud the fact that you CAN, in fact, attract what happens to you, and that is infinitely more interesting.

Deliberate Intent is an improvement over their prior book, Ask and it is Given, in its detail. I thought I understood the art of allowing until I read Deliberate Intent where the concepts are explained much more thoroughly. I'm recommending it to everyone I know with problems ranging from breaking up with a fiancee to health problems to money dreams.

the law of attraction

Friday, September 05, 2008

What the Bleep

The Indicator: Your Law of Attraction Quarterly No. 2

The Indicator: Your Law of Attraction Quarterly No. 2
This is the second issue of The Indicator: Your Law of Attraction Quartery, the only national magazine devoted to the Law of Attraction (commonly known as The Secret). Our debut issue featured Barack Obama on the cover with the question "Can Obama Win in '08?" You know the answer to that question, and for this card-carrying LOA practitioner, his next address will likely be 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. There's even more inspiring Law of Attraction stories in this current issue! Get on board!

the law of attraction

Thursday, September 04, 2008

the secret

Emily and Jacob Explore The Law of Attraction for Kids

Emily and Jacob Explore The Law of Attraction for Kids
We all want a better life! All of us want to be happy. We want the best for our children. They want more stuff! How do the thoughts we think affect our life? What does science have to say about our thoughts and The Law of Attraction? Emily and Jacob are just two regular kids talking about the facts and exploring possibilities. The best way to learn is by asking questions and they've got lots of them! Your kids will be captivated and inspired as Emily and Jacob explore the exciting world of quantum mechanics. Their practical examples for applying The Law of Attraction will teach your children how to create their own success. Emily and Jacob explore The Law of Attraction for Kids is an easy-to-understand conversation that will really make you think!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

self improvement

Ask, and It Is Given - Unabridged (The Law of Attraction, Part I)

Ask, and It Is Given - Unabridged (The Law of Attraction, Part I)
This 4-CD program, which encompasses Part I of the best-selling book "Ask and It Is Given", presents the teachings of the nonphysical entity Abraham. At the heart of these teachings is the most powerful Law of the Universe: The Law of Attraction.

how to manifest your desires

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

quantum physics

Pure natural science: First law of time, the ravelling stress diagram, causes of celestial attraction, formation of planets, our earth, floating continents, ... elliptical universe, perpetual motion

Pure natural science: First law of time, the ravelling stress diagram, causes of celestial attraction, formation of planets, our earth, floating continents, ... elliptical universe, perpetual motion

how to manifest money