Monday, September 08, 2008

science of getting rich

Abraham's Teachings, An Introduction to: The Law of Deliberate Creation--About the Law of Allowing, The Powerful Law of Attraction...

Abraham's Teachings, An Introduction to: The Law of Deliberate Creation--About the Law of Allowing, The Powerful Law of Attraction...
audio book

Customer Review: Interesting...

Abraham Hicks' message is definitely one that is empowering and uplifting. However, I can't help but have some doubts about the genuineness of this. I would love to believe Abraham exists, but am I the only one who notices that Esther's accent changes the longer Abraham speaks through her? At first, when Abraham begins to speak, Esther's accent is thick and reminiscent of Eastern Europe of Gypsy. She also nearly shouts (in comparison to her usual meek, cheery voice) as though to distinguish a clear difference in voice patterns, making the listener more likely to believe it's not really Esther speaking. If Abraham is using Esther's vocabulary then why aren't they also using her natural accent and volume? Also, after a few minutes into the lecture, Esther's Abraham accent relaxes to a little closer to her own natural speaking voice. For some reason this glaring inconsistency then makes me aware that the rhythm of her voice sounds as though she is reading from a script and not speaking naturally. I am not a pessimist by nature and, as I've said, I would really love to believe Abraham is true, but I cannot help but find these oddities extremely distracting. This is why I've only given it 4 stars.

Other than that, I enjoy the message immensely and find myself more joyous after listening to it. Whether or not Abraham is true, these lectures are deliciously entertaining and heart-warming. I do believe in the concept they are teaching (ie: the law of attraction) just maybe not the method they use to teach it.

Customer Review: Everyone Else Copies Abraham - Read the Source!

I've bought all the latest and greatest "spiritual" books but Abraham-Hicks has been around since the 80s and no one has improved on their work. I constantly hear Abraham's terminology used by other authors but the Abraham-Hicks books are, to borrow one of their terms, the Source.

It's easy to get past the fact that Esther is presumably channeling, if you have a problem with that, because the truth of what is being said is so profound and hits you so squarely when you hear it you really don't care where it's coming from. I heard them first at a publishing convention where many authors spoke, including Wayne Dyer, and I signed up for Abraham-Hicks only for entertainment, I told my friend. Ten minutes into Abraham's presentation I was in tears.

I bought the 8 CDs and I listen to them over and over and over. Rich with "heads-on" ideas, I don't believe anyone need ever be depressed again after reading this work.

There is only one thing I disagree with in all the Hay House books, including this one, which is that we attract everything that happens to us. We have children running out for baseballs who get kidnapped, horribly molested and murdered - and they didn't attract that. They were unprotected and that may have attracted immature or sociopathic people. But the thoughts of these children didn't attract what happened to them.

But this does not in any way cloud the fact that you CAN, in fact, attract what happens to you, and that is infinitely more interesting.

Deliberate Intent is an improvement over their prior book, Ask and it is Given, in its detail. I thought I understood the art of allowing until I read Deliberate Intent where the concepts are explained much more thoroughly. I'm recommending it to everyone I know with problems ranging from breaking up with a fiancee to health problems to money dreams.

the law of attraction

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