Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Law of Attraction Workbook

Law of Attraction Workbook
The Law of Attraction Workbook is an easy to use, but powerful Seven Step Process that provides the tools and techniques to teach you how to create your life and live it fully, to your highest potential. The power of the Law of Attraction is that you can start now, no matter what your circumstances are and move to the manifestation of your desires in all aspects of your life. If you enjoyed The Secret, you now have a practical tool to apply the concepts to your life.

Customer Review: Try it, you'll like it!

This book is a wonderful tool that doesn't just talk about ideas, but gets the reader involved in step by step excercises to actually implement the Law of Attraction into his or her life.

It isn't 'psycho babble' nor is it the 'occult'.

Thanks for the laugh though, "Haters". ;-)

You're already forgiven for your limited fear based beliefs, that's the beauty of it all!

Try this book, practice what it says, and your life will change for the better. It's not a magic pill, but as Wayne Dyer says, "Change your thoughts, change your life!"

It's simple and beautiful, and the proof is in the doing.

Step out of your fear...

If you don't know how, here is your guide book.

Customer Review: Sound Advice

The Law of Attraction

By Esther and Jerry Hiscks

All of creation first takes place in the mind. YHVH first had the thought and then spoke His Creation into existence. Obviously, His Creation was brought about for His (e-motion) called pleasure.

As a baby, a wet diaper brought about the sensation of discomfort and that provoked the emotion that caused the baby to cry. The same with hunger, heat or cold...

Without the thought and the emotion, maybe the baby would never awaken, move, cry, nor do anything at all--even his waking up and crying is a creation of his own doing. When I say `his own doing', I am speaking of the spirit within him, the real him. The body was uncomfortable. The spirit within the body knows that it has the duty to care for and preserve the body in which it resides.

Why wouldn't the Spirit within my body attempt to guide my body and brain to do all of the things which It (My Spirit) came here to do.

How can I pull myself out of depression except by consciously appreciating the things and relationships that I have? When I train my brain to do that, My Spirit responds by lifting up and changing my whole direction of negativity.

The book answers a lot of questions for me; like negative events that occur in spurts. For instance: the Postal killings; the fast food restaurant killings; the school massacres; serial killings and rapists; rashes of wild weather, tsunamis, tornados, and fires. Then there are also the health issues and surgeries. Everyone you know has a heart attack, then high cholesterol, then prostrate problems, sinus problems, ovarian cysts, carpal tunnel, cancer, and on and on. The point is, first it's one problem, then another, then another. I believe the authors, that the problems are created by all of the attention and emotion that is focused on them by so many people at one time.

The very first part of this book, where the authors explain how and where they got their information is the only part that does not set right with me. However, I do not believe the info was received from evil spirits and I do not believe that for a Child of God to be always expanding is contrary to God's Will for us. His own Creation is always expanding.

I admit there are a lot of things that I don't know, but just because I wasn't reared to know or experience them, doesn't mean that I'm going to close the door on something that God is trying to teach me or bring into my experience.

Most of the time, I am pretty hard on myself for not accomplishing as much (and as fast) as I think I should. As I think of this, is it the real inner me, scolding so that I will not misuse any valuable holy time here on this Earth?

You see, man thinks he thinks but he does not think he creates with every thought, so be carefull what you are thinking because you are getting everything you think and more.

Be blessed and live life as if it were your last day on earth.

how to manifest your desires

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