Saturday, November 22, 2008


The Law of Attraction CD Collection

The Law of Attraction CD Collection

This exceptional CD collection comprises three of the most popular audio programs by Esther and Jerry Hicks, who present the teachings of the Non-Physical consciousness Abraham:

Ask and It Is Given: The Law of Attraction: You�ll come to understand how your relationships, health issues, finances, career concerns, and more are all influenced by this Universal Law; and you�ll realize that it�s your birthright to live a life filled with everything that is good!

Ask and It Is Given: The Processes: A series of 22 Processes assists you in reconnecting with the "Non-Physical" part of yourself, which will help you achieve anything you desire. As you apply these Processes, your naturally joyful zest for life will be reawakened!

The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham: This is the series of recordings that launched the basic Teachings of Abraham. You�ll see how all things, wanted and unwanted, are brought to you by the Law of Attraction (that which is like unto itself, is drawn).

Customer Review: Best explanation of the law of attraction

I have read and listened to all kinds of books on topics regarding spirituality, religion, the mind, power of believe, self improvement, etc. and this is by far the most complete and effective explanation of its kind. It really is where its at, right to the point. It also gives you stages on how to go about doing what it takes to bring what we really want into our lives.

Customer Review: My Opinin Only

So far I have listened to Law of Attraction, and I am on my second go round. The information here is fantastic, if you were to apply only 50% of it, you would make some astonishing changes to all areas of your life!

how to manifest wealth

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